On the 16th,Association workshop in Haute-Savoie.
The goal of the workshop was to exchange on every subject concerning the association and its future. It also was important to share convivial moments.
On the 17th, General assembly in Haute-Savoie - 2 priorities for 2020-2021:
Both these decisions have been taken with the agreement of the members of the committee and of the teachers.
Raise of the salaries and compensations of Rekebisho and maintenance of the financial support made necessary by the crisis. The closing of primary school was extended until January 2021. All students will have to repeat their year.
Given the difficulties faced by the members of the committee, the teachers and the parents to get food because of the price increase and the Coronavirus consequences, the bureau took the following decision:
The health crisis hit Kenya. The government decided to close all the schools. The Assembly initially planned on the 27th got cancelled.
A group of young Swiss and responsibles for the foundation Watoto spent 2 days in the Rekebisho school.
They came along a field trip to the playground.
They ate a meal they cooked with the children and the staff.
They offered an unforgettable field trip to Hartfield Garden.
The foundation bought school books and office furniture for the teachers’ office in Nairobi. This material had been spotted during our previous trip one month earlier.
3 members of the Association went to Rekebisho from the 21st to the 29th.
The atmosphere was very nice and the collaboration between the committee and the teachers was good.
On the weekend, maintenance work was done in the schoolyard to fill the holes and avoid standing water.
Wall and blackboard refit.
School trip to the playground.
Working session on the educational aspect: face to face interviews were led with every teacher and a group meeting was held. Some tools for the follow up of the students have been finalized and a meeting was held with the parents’ representatives who are very grateful for Rekebisho’s work.
Collective meeting with the teachers
Meeting with the parents’ representatives
It is to be noted that: the educational reform has changed: children over 9 years old now fall within middle school.
The teachers’ observations: lack of books and school material; bad working conditions: the classrooms are too dark and too small.
The participants’ observations: the premises are degraded: leaks in the roof; non-compliant electricity; the classrooms and kitchen’s floors have to be tiled…
Farewell tune: Give me power. Very moving thanks
Give me a pencil, a rubber, a ruler, a book, a uniform,
Give me education, education is power !!!
Actions de communication :
Développement de notre partenariat :
Rencontre avec 2 représentantes de la Watoto Foundation Suisse qui soutient des projets modestes liés à l’éducation et à la santé en Afrique, et principalement au Kenya.
La vice-Présidente a exprimé que le projet et la façon de travailler lui semblent intéressants.
La Fondation WATOTO dispose de fonds et souhaite aider Les Amis de Rekebisho dans le respect de nos valeurs et de notre fonctionnement.
Summer workshops : October 3rd to 5th in the Grand Bornand
Meetings with the parents, the teachers and the members of the committee to inform them on the educational reform in Kenyaa and of the new educational framework : 2 years for pre-primary (4-6 years old), 3 years for the average primary (6-9 years old), 3 years for preparatory (9-12 years old) and a final mandatory exam after average primary.
New visit by Sabine Godinez who had accompanied the Germans and Swiss youngsters who painted the walls of the school yard.
First meeting of the committee and the teachers in the office.
Finishes : tiling, windows, doors.
Beginning of the building of the office above the kitchen.
French Ambassy’s reception for the NGOs which had obtained financing in the call for projects PISCCA (Projets Innovants de la Société Civile et Coalitions d’Acteurs) and record by the project manager.
Presentation of Rekebisho school at the Université Populaire de la Vallée verte in Haute-Savoie (France)
Securing of the stairs leading to the water tank: raising of the wall along the alley and setting of a ledge right.
Purchase of desks and chairs for the teachers.
Committee meeting with the teachers and the parents and elections of one room parent for each class
General meeting of the association on March 8th in Haute-Savoie (France)
Main decisions:
Intervention of German volunteers to paint the school walls
Trip to Nairobi from January 15th to January 24th
The school is transformed by the construction works that have been made (kitchen, toilets...) and has attracted more children: 131 children now go to Rekebisho.
Last week in Rekebisho was very active with the committee and the teachers, the making of new benches and desks, of closets which can be locked, the repair of the floors and the inauguration with the Embassy.
The inauguration with the French Embassy in Nairobi and its representatives (the director of the Cooperation and Cultural action service and the project leader of the call for projects), the chiefs of the area, the Elder of the village and the parents have been a highlight for Rekebisho and an acknowledgment of the school evolution.
The children have told texts, they have sung and danced then a snack has been served to everyone. It was made of a delicious fruit salad which has been much appreciated by the children.
The main decisions taken during the meetings with the committee members and the teachers are the following ones:
First aid training for the teachers
Summer workshop at le Grand Bornand from the 08-10 to the 12-10
Medical checkup for the children of the school
Grant from the UP of Bonneville (Université Populaire)
Our secretary presented the association « Les Amis de Rekebisho » during the return party given at the UP.
The board decided to grant our association a yearly grant of 250 Euros. Furthermore, they offered to do a special grant demand to the UP for the buying of school material.
As soon as the grants were given, the construction started and was led during the holidays. The school now has a kitchen, toilets, sinks and running water!
School started again in September.
Connection to running water and tank installation on the roof of the kitchen.
Tiling of the new toilets and toilets installation.
Installation of the sanitary bloc and walls painting.
Installation of the closets, of a stove and a work plan in the kitchen.
Connection to electicity.
After a 6 months probation, Florence ans Wilberforce’s salaries are increased.
Grant from the Embassy
The grant from the Embassy is granted but the budget has been lowered. The grants cover the hygiene and health objectives. No finances for the school material have been given and the amount is 3444 Euros and we are paying the rest of the project.
General assembly of the association.
The following main decisions were made for 2018 :
Operation rice bowl: the project has been presented through a power point presentation by two members of Rekebisho to the children of a school in Cluses. The children only ate a rice bowl at the school cafeteria and the money thus saved has been given to Rekebisho.
A 1370 euros cheque is given by the headmaster of the school in Cluses.
Visit of the school by the project leader of the Embassy.
The Representative of the Embassy with the whole team: the teachers and the committee.
Beginning of the toilet’s and of the kitchen’s building
New tiled toilets
In the building : the kitchen on the right, and the toilets on the left
Inside the new kitchen
Our treasurer Christian died after a long illness. He has done a lot for REKEBISHO, always with energy and passion. He was very much loved by the members of the committee and the children.
Purchase of a new barrack adjoining the school, to extend the surface and allow the building of the new kitchen and the new toilets.
The members of the bureau of the organization “les Amis de REKEBISHO” came to REKEBISHO school. Meetings with the teachers and the members of the committee . The following subjects were discussed
Songs of welcome in the school yard
Trip to a park with games and animals
Work to build new toilet drainage by digging 9 meters deep. Connection to the general sewer of the slum and leveling of the school grounds.
A committee member’s house was completely destroyed in a fire. Johny, the member, lost everything but fortunately, there was no victim. We helped him financially to rebuild his house.
Summer Workshops from 13-15 September at the Grand Bornand:
Painting of the class walls.
A big problem arises: the toilets have become unusable due to the clogged drainage and no glance allowing the unclogging. They are condemned as a result of health risks linked to a cholera epidemic in Nairobi. Children must use a toilet outside the school and must be accompanied by an adult each time.
After the destruction of the adjoining house, rebuilding of the school wall, moving the main school door opposite the kitchen.
Plastering of the class walls, making of metallic cupboard with a key to keep the educational material.
Purchase of a house adjoining the school to enlarge the surface and make new toilets.
Funding of the training of 2 teachers ; Funding of finishing works: plastering of walls and installation of wall cupboards in 2 new classrooms; the purchase of the adjoining house; preparation for new sanitary facilities (drainage of sewage), connection to running water.
For « Les Amis de Rekebisho » : Partial renewal of memberships and increasing number of members.
The School still welcomes about 100 children, but the committee recruited a fourth teacher for the children aged 10 to 13 (level 3 and 4). This allows having fewer children per class in the primary grades.
Once a month, the children go to a big playground which is about 10 minutes away from the school. Members of the committee, as well as teachers, accompany the children and organize many games for their stimulation.
Two blackboards have been renewed, we also replaced school desks and benches and we bought books containing the new school programs, a huge pan and a jiko for the kitchen as well as watches for the four teachers.
A new member had brought some children tales books and English singing books with illustrations. This was appreciated by the school teachers and the school musician.
About partnerships: we met the chief of the local administration office and a “Village Elder”, a person chosen by the Village to settle the problems.
About the project for the school development: lthe committee and teachers validated the project of the purchase of an adjoining house to increase the size of the school. Further Priorities are to get toilets, sewers, a water reserve, sinks for better sanitation .Today the lack of water is a problem in Mukuru Slum.
We noted the reform imposing NGOs to pay contributions diseases and retirement pensions for the employees as well as of the important project of the reform of the Kenyan school system.
Bad news: There was a great fire just around the school of Rekebisho.
Part of a wall collapsed, part of the roof burned. The house of the teacher Charlet has completely burned and the house of Eunice, the principal, was affected.
The playground is no longer because the administration wants to put a traffic lane instead of it.
We however managed to get back swings and slides.
Your donations are welcome. Thanks for them.
The wall
Le roof
The playground
Around Rekebisho
In Habère-Lullin (74)
Workshops between members of Lorraine and Rhone Alps including a reflection on access to care for people of Mukuru slum and projects for school: school expansion, sanitation, access to water current…
In Mukuru, by the team REKEBISHO
Equipment of the playground with slide and swings
By the team of Rekebisho
In Mukuru, by the team REKEBISHO
Installation of removable walls between classes to modulate the size of the rooms according to the teachings.
This work was carried out during the school holidays.
Contact with the League of Education 54 to consider participation and assistance in fundraising (Contact current).
Travel for 2 members of the board in Nairobi to meet the REKEBISHO team with the following objectives:
Members of the committee and the teachers
Transformation of the alley in playground
The currrent kitchen and the cook Carolina
The nap time
In Habère-Lullin (74)
Workshops around a global reflection on the relations between REKEBISHO and AMIS REKEBISHO and upcoming projects and August 27 evening meeting : discussion with members of the association (Haute-Savoie and Lorraine).
Holding of General Meetings in La Roche-sur-Foron (74) and in Essey-les-Nancy (54).
Organization of a concert with the choir "Slowly the Bass" in La Roche-sur-Foron to benefit REKEBISHO with screening of the movie made about REKEBISHO.
Contact the Assisi Foundation, a subsidiary of the foundation of France for help in fundraising.
In Mukuru by the team REKEBISHO
Travel for 2 members of the board in Nairobi to meet the team REKEBISHO with shooting and interviews of members for making the movie about REKEBISHO.
Organization of a concert with the choir "Croque-Notes" in Essey-les-Nancy (54) in favor of REKEBISHO
In Habère-Lullin (74)
Workshops with members of "FRIENDS of REKEBISHO" with development of objects made by the team REKEBISHO for sale at upcoming concerts, rugs for "baby room" and August the 27th, extraordinary General Meeting with establishment of a sub-section in Haute-Savoie.
General meeting in Essey les Nancy (54).
In Mukuru by the team REKEBISHO
Travel for 2 members of the board in Nairobi to meet the team REKEBISHO.
Trip of a member of the board in Nairobi to give the school Rekebisho an electrical installation with a minimum of security (electric wires in tubes, fuses, ...).
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